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Gregory Schnabel

Gregory Schnabel has studied and practiced Chinese medicine for over 20 years. He began to take an interest in it in 2001, in Taiwan, when the care provided by a diē dá medical practitioner cured him of injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident. In 2002, Greg met his first teacher, Ron “Doc” Rosen OMD.
After being Dr. Rosen's apprentice and attending his barefoot medicine classes for three years, he enrolled in the acupuncture program at the International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Victoria BC (ICTCM). He studied there under the supervision of Dr. Wally Mui D.TCM for three years. After graduating, however, Greg felt there was something missing from his training. He found this missing element in the teachings of Jeffrey Yuen.
In 2011, Greg traveled to New York where he established a community acupuncture practice in Catskill, NY, and studied with Mr. Yuen on weekends at his center in Chinatown, NYC. He learned about Chinese herbalism, advanced acupuncture, Chinese dietetics and the use of essential oils from the perspective of classical Chinese medicine. Most importantly, he learned that true Chinese medicine is rooted in the spirit.


Felix Dénommé

Ten years ago, I received my first acupuncture treatment which changed my life. I was then suffering from chronic pain to which the doctors only responded by prescribing painkillers. I was worried that the drugs would only serve to “turn off the alarm”. I was rather looking for how to target the cause of my condition. Acupuncture, Chinese herbalism, tuina, qi gong and ESPECIALLY Chinese dietetics (THE FOOD) have revolutionized my way of life, the way I feel, as well as my way of interacting with people and my environment. . I have the deepest respect for this cosmology, for the incredible diversity of profound medical knowledge across an entire continent, meticulously recorded and passed down for 5,000 years. Each day, I am humbled by seeing the innate wisdom of all living beings: our evolution is guided by self-healing, co-regulation, the experience of joy and love. I am honored to do my job and to be able to share with you in this continuous learning process. 


Chinese Herbalist, Tuina Practicioner

Zifei (Faye) Liu

Studied medicine in Guizhou province of China, and have been engaged in the field of Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 10 years. Have learned from several rich experienced teachers and Taoist masters, studying <Huangdi Neijing>and <Shanghan Lun>'.

Specialize in treating colds, coughs, insomnia, dysmenorrhea, digestive system diseases, skin disorder such as skin allergy, eczema, and menstrual pain and various types of pain.


Laura Martin

Depuis qu'elle a terminé le cours d’acupuncture au Collège de Rosemont, Laura pratique en milieu communautaire, en centre de traitement des dépendances, et en clinique multidisciplinaire. Elle est orientée par son intérêt à soutenir les patient-es dans leur processus de guérison. La médecine chinoise est une approche personnalisée qui considère l’état immédiat dans lequel vous êtes, et la spécificité de vos symptômes pour guider le traitement. Pour Laura, l'acupuncture nous rappelle aussi que nous sommes partie intégrante du monde. Ces deux orientations sont à la base de sa pratique, où elle utilise principalement une acupuncture par méridiens (Acupuncture Sa’am, Dr. Tan). Laura est membre de l’Ordre des Acupuncteurs du Québec.


Since completing her acupuncture course at Collège de Rosemont, Laura has been practicing in the community, in addiction treatment centers, and in multidisciplinary clinics. She is guided by her interest in supporting patients in their healing process. Chinese medicine is a personalized approach that considers the immediate state you are in, and the specificity of your symptoms to guide treatment. For Laura, acupuncture also reminds us that we are an integral part of the world. These two orientations are the basis of her practice, where she mainly uses meridian acupuncture (Acupuncture Sa’am, Dr. Tan). Laura is a member of the Ordre des Acupuncteurs du Québec.

Coaching Somatique

Will V. Bourgeois

Will Bourgeois est formé·e en intervention psycho-sociale, en Mind-Body Coaching et étudie en seconde année de Somatic Experiencing.

Sa pratique somatique est soutenue par plus d'une décennie d’organisation et de relation d’aide en contexte communautaire, durant laquelle iel s'est impliqué·e dans une diversité de collectifs de lutte pour la justice sociale. Dans les dernières années, iel s’est particulièrement investi·e dans la solidarité avec les souverainetés autochtones, la justice transformatrice et le soin des conflits. Iel cultive une approche holistique qui intègre le bien-être individuel à une vision collective et écologique de la guérison.

Son approche somatique est enrichie par son expérience de la méditation qu’iel pratique depuis ses 12 ans et, dans les dernières années, par une pratique assidue du qi gong.


Will Bourgeois is trained in psycho-social intervention, Mind-Body Coaching and is in their second year of Somatic Experiencing.
Their somatic practice is grounded in over a decade of community organizing and caregiving, during which time they have been involved in a variety of social justice collectives. In recent years, they have been particularly involved in solidarity with indigenous sovereignties, transformative justice and conflict healing. They cultivate a holistic approach that integrates individual well-being with a collective and ecological vision of healing.
Their somatic approach is enriched by their experience of meditation, which they have practised since the age of 12, and, in recent years, by an assiduous practice of qi gong.

“Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.”
― Zhuang Zi